Get 15+ blends from just one hour of charging with any USB port. The BlendJet 2 portable blender is equipped with a water-resistant USB-C port that makes it easier than ever to power up. And the included cable is smartly reversible, so there’s no wrong way to plug it in.
Get 15+ blends from just one hour of charging with any USB port. The BlendJet 2 portable blender is equipped with a water-resistant USB-C port that makes it easier than ever to power up. And the included cable is smartly reversible, so there’s no wrong way to plug it in.
Get 15+ blends from just one hour of charging with any USB port. The BlendJet 2 portable blender is equipped with a water-resistant USB-C port that makes it easier than ever to power up. And the included cable is smartly reversible, so there’s no wrong way to plug it in.
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